B Tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus

B Tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus (CSE) equips and tailors students to pursue technology careers. For most cases, it takes eight semesters to complete and covers areas like computer programming, data management, computer networks, operating systems, computer algorithms and database management systems as core subjects.

The BTech CSE syllabus is a combination of fundamental and advanced courses and principles inclusive of hardware and software engineering. In the b tech cse first year syllabus, students include core subjects of Mathematics, Physics and general programming. The b tech first IV semester core courses cover basic concepts of basic programming and Engineering mathematics. The subjects offered in semester II and III include core subjects of Data structures, algorithms, computer networks, operating systems and data base mangement system. Some advanced topics include Artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, cloud computing and data science. There are also specialized electives such as IoT, blockchain and big data which deepen insights into wider areas. With analytical skills, concept coding and project-oriented approach in place to meet readiness through projects, coding practical labs and internships at the industrial level.

B Tech in Computer Engineering Structure of Syllabus By Semester.

The B Tech in Computer Engineering Structure of the syllabus is completed in 8 semesters over this time there is an integration between engineering level and computer level key concepts and topics. There is engineering theory and lab work during each year of which work practice is embedded. This approach allows the student to acquire skills and – more importantly – knowledge that can be applied in practice at the workplace and within the industry.

CSE 1st year B Tech syllabus

The Cse 1st year B Tech syllabus introduces the students with Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Programming which are the core subjects of any engineering discipline. These subjects will then lay down the foundation of the computer engineering principles seamlessly, helping in building constructive methodologies and thought processes for the students.

B tech cse 1st Semester Syllabus

Course Topics Covered
Mathematics-I - Differential calculus: limits, continuity, derivatives and applications - Integral calculus: definite and indefinite integrals, applications - Matrices: operations, determinants, eigenvalues, eigenvectors - Series and sequences: convergence, divergence and tests for infinite series.
Physics/Chemistry - Physics: Mechanics, thermodynamics, waves and optics - Quantum mechanics and semiconductor physics - Chemistry: Atomic and molecular structure - Chemical bonding, thermodynamics and kinetics - Engineering materials and applications in industry.
Programming for Problem Solving - Basics of programming: data types, operators and control structures - Functions, recursion and arrays - Algorithms and flowcharts for problem-solving - Introduction to programming languages (C, Python, or Java).
Engineering Graphics - Basics of technical drawing: lines, planes and angles - Orthographic projections: views and isometric drawings - Introduction to CAD tools for 2D and 3D modeling - Applications in engineering design.
Basic Electrical/Electronics Engineering - Electrical: DC and AC circuits, Kirchhoffs laws and power analysis - Basic electrical machines (motors and transformers) - Electronics: Semiconductor devices (diodes, transistors) - Introduction to digital electronics: logic gates and circuits.

Btech CSE Syllabus 2nd Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Mathematics-II - Advanced calculus: limits, continuity, differentiation, integration - Vector calculus, multiple integrals
Physics/Chemistry - Physics: electromagnetism, optics, quantum mechanics - Chemistry: organic, inorganic, physical chemistry
Data Structures and Algorithms - Linear structures: arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues - Non-linear structures: trees, graphs - Sorting, searching, hashing algorithms
Object-Oriented Programming - OOP principles: classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation - Programming language: Java, C++, or Python
Engineering Mechanics/Basic Mechanical Engineering - Mechanics: equilibrium, dynamics, friction - Basics of mechanical engineering: thermodynamics, strength of materials
Professional Communication - Technical writing - Professional etiquette - Business communication and presentations
Engineering Workshop/IT Workshop - Basics of manufacturing processes - Use of workshop tools (lathe, welding, fitting, etc.) - Introduction to IT tools and software installation

B Tech 2nd year Syllabus Computer Science

The B Tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus for the second year focuses on important subjects such as Structures and Databases for Computer Organization, Algorithms, Management of Systems. These topics enable a more advanced apprehension of effective data control, system architecture and logic, which will form the foundation of software engineering and system building for what is to come.

Btech CSE Syllabus 3rd Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Discrete Mathematics - Propositional logic, predicate logic - Set theory, relations and functions - Combinatorics, graph theory, trees
Computer Organization and Architecture - Instruction set architecture (ISA) - CPU design, pipelining - Memory hierarchy, I/O systems
Operating Systems - Process management, scheduling - Memory management, virtual memory - File systems, synchronization
Data Structures - Advanced linear data structures: stacks, queues, linked lists - Non-linear structures: trees, graphs - Sorting, searching and hashing algorithms
Digital Electronics - Boolean algebra, logic gates - Combinational circuits: adders, multiplexers - Sequential circuits: flip-flops, counters
Object-Oriented Programming (Advanced) - Advanced OOP concepts: design patterns, interfaces, generics - Exception handling - Programming languages: Java, C++, or Python
Technical Communication Skills - Writing technical reports - Oral presentations - Documentation and email writing skills

Btech CSE Syllabus 4th Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Design and Analysis of Algorithms Introduction to algorithms, Divide and Conquer, Greedy algorithms, Dynamic programming, Backtracking, Branch and Bound, Graph algorithms, Complexity analysis
Database Management Systems Introduction to DBMS, ER Models, Relational database design, SQL and NoSQL, Normalization, Transactions, Concurrency control, Database security, Big Data concepts
Computer Networks  
Software Engineering Software development lifecycle (SDLC), Requirement analysis, Design models, Testing methodologies, Agile methodologies, Software quality assurance, Risk management
Theory of Computation Automata theory, Regular languages, Context-free grammars, Pushdown automata, Turing machines, Computability theory, Decidability and undecidability, Complexity classes
Environmental Studies/Constitution of India (As per university syllabus) Environmental ethics, Biodiversity, Pollution control, Sustainable development / Fundamental rights, Directive principles, Judiciary, Governance systems
DBMS Lab Hands-on SQL queries, ER diagram creation, Normalization exercises, Implementing triggers and stored procedures, Building small-scale databases
Computer Networks Lab Configuration of networking devices, Packet analysis using tools, Network troubleshooting, Implementing basic networking protocols, Simulating network topologies

Btech Computer Science Syllabus (3rd Year)

The B Tech Computer Science Engineering curriculum includes Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, Operating Systems and Software Engineering under the third year program. These subjects emphasize system management, software development, intelligent systems and data-driven technologies, thus giving students the ability to actually come up with computing solutions and networked systems.

B tech 5th Semester Computer Science Syllabus

Subject Topics Covered
Artificial Intelligence Introduction to AI, Problem-solving strategies, Knowledge representation, Expert systems, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning basics, Neural networks, AI ethics
Compiler Design Lexical analysis, Syntax analysis, Semantic analysis, Intermediate code generation, Code optimization, Code generation, Symbol tables, Error handling
Web Technologies HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM manipulation, Responsive design, Backend programming (Node.js, PHP, etc.), Database integration, Web security, APIs, Frameworks (Angular, React)
Machine Learning (Introduction) Supervised learning, Unsupervised learning, Regression and classification, Clustering techniques, Neural networks, Feature engineering, Evaluation metrics, Introduction to Deep Learning
Principles of Management/Professional Ethics (Elective) (As per syllabus) Principles of management, Planning and decision-making, Leadership, Organizational behavior / Ethics in engineering, Corporate social responsibility (CSR), Professional conduct
Open Elective - I (Topics depend on elective chosen; could range from interdisciplinary subjects like Data Science, Cloud Computing, or Environmental Science)
Artificial Intelligence Lab Implementing search algorithms, Game playing, Knowledge representation techniques, Building simple expert systems, Working on AI tools (like Python AI libraries)
Web Technologies Lab Designing web pages with HTML and CSS, JavaScript scripting, Developing dynamic web pages with PHP or Node.js, Database integration with MySQL or MongoDB, Using frameworks like React or Angular

Btech CSE Syllabus 6th Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Data Mining and Warehousing Data preprocessing, Association rule mining, Clustering and classification, Decision trees, Neural networks, Data warehouse architecture, OLAP, Data cube operations
Cloud Computing Introduction to cloud, Cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS), Virtualization, Cloud security, Deployment models (public, private, hybrid), Storage and compute services, Cloud management tools
Distributed Systems Distributed architecture, Communication in distributed systems, Synchronization, Fault tolerance, Distributed file systems, Replication, Consistency models
Cybersecurity Threats and vulnerabilities, Cryptography, Network security protocols, Firewalls and intrusion detection systems, Risk management, Cybersecurity laws and ethics
Mobile Computing Wireless communication basics, Mobile IP, Mobile application development, Android/iOS frameworks, Mobile security, Energy-efficient algorithms, Mobile database management
Open Elective - II (Topics depend on elective chosen; could range from emerging areas like IoT, Blockchain, Big Data Analytics, or Green Computing)
Cloud Computing Lab Setting up cloud infrastructure, Using cloud services (AWS, Azure, GCP), Implementing virtualization, Deploying web applications on cloud platforms, Managing cloud storage
Distributed Systems Lab Implementation of distributed algorithms, Working with distributed databases, Developing client-server applications, Simulating distributed file systems, Load balancing techniques

Btech Computer Science Syllabus (4th Year)

The last stage in the B Tech Computer Science Engineering program delay is centers on IoT, Blockchain and Cloud Computing which are electives and the newest trends in technology. The final year also requires students to do major project work where they implement theoretical lessons on practical problems which enhances their innovativeness and practical skills required in the industry and research work.

Btech CSE Syllabus 7th Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Big Data Analytics Introduction to Big Data, Hadoop ecosystem, MapReduce programming, Spark, Data analytics lifecycle, NoSQL databases, Data visualization, Machine learning with Big Data
Internet of Things (IoT) IoT architecture, IoT protocols, Sensors and actuators, IoT communication models, Data management, Security in IoT, IoT applications (smart cities, healthcare, etc.)
Blockchain Technology/Elective I Blockchain fundamentals, Cryptographic principles, Smart contracts, Consensus mechanisms (PoW, PoS), Blockchain applications (finance, healthcare), Decentralized applications (DApps)
Advanced Algorithms/Elective II Approximation algorithms, Randomized algorithms, Parallel algorithms, String matching, Advanced graph algorithms, Computational geometry, NP-hard and NP-complete problems
Industrial Training/Project Phase-I Practical application of knowledge in an industrial setting, Research and development of a project under guidance, Documentation and presentation of progress
Open Elective III (Topics depend on elective chosen; could include domains like Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Renewable Energy, etc.)
Big Data Analytics Lab Hands-on with Hadoop and Spark, Implementing MapReduce jobs, Using NoSQL databases (Cassandra, MongoDB), Data preprocessing and visualization, Analyzing Big Data with ML
IoT Lab Working with IoT hardware (Raspberry Pi, Arduino), Sensor interfacing, Developing IoT applications, Communication using MQTT/CoAP, Securing IoT networks

Btech CSE Syllabus 8th Semester

Subject Topics Covered
Advanced Computer Networks Network architecture and protocols, Advanced routing techniques, Network simulation tools, MPLS, SDN concepts, QoS in networks, Wireless networks, Network security protocols
Cloud Computing and Virtualization Virtualization concepts, Cloud architecture and services, Resource management in cloud, Security in cloud computing, Cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP), Cloud deployment models
Software Project Management Software development methodologies, Project planning and scheduling, Risk management, Quality assurance, Cost estimation, Agile practices, Project management tools (JIRA, MS Project)
  Deep learning basics, Supervised and unsupervised learning, Neural networks, Reinforcement learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), AI frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch)
Open Elective - III (Topics depend on elective chosen; examples include Blockchain, Data Science, Renewable Energy, Robotics, or Entrepreneurship)
Industrial Training/Project Phase - I Practical experience in an industrial setting, Problem-solving with technology solutions, Research and development activities, Intermediate project presentations and reports
Advanced Programming Lab Advanced programming concepts in Python/Java/C++, Algorithm optimization, Parallel programming, Working with APIs, Advanced data structures and problem-solving
  Building machine learning models, Implementing AI algorithms, Working with AI tools (TensorFlow, PyTorch), Training neural networks, Data preprocessing and visualization

B Tech CSE Specialization List

The syllabus for BTech Computer Science includes a diverse group of specializations for students to pick from. Given below are B Tech CSE specializations that are frequently offered :

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI & ML) The B Tech CSE AI ML syllabus includes the study of Artificial Intelligence Robotics, Machine Learning Techniques and Big Data Industrial Applications and Techniques. It aims to develop intelligent systems and algorithms that can help computers act like people. It includes basic machine learning concepts such as machine learning models, deep learning, artificial neural networks, natural language processing and reinforcement learning.

The core subjects that the B Tech CSE AI ML syllabus covers include:

  • Mathematics for AI & ML (Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics)
  • Data Structures and Algorithm Design
  • Introduction to Computer Organization and Architecture
  • Database Management Systems
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Computer Vision
  • Data Mining and Data Analytics
  • Big Data Technologies
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Cloud Computing Applications for AI
  • AI Ethics and Regulations

Data Science and Big Data

btech computer science syllabus in Data Science and Big Data Covers the collection, analysis and interpretation of large data sets to derive insights. This specialization includes topics like data mining, data analytics, data visualization and handling big data technologies such as Hadoop and Spark.

The core subjects for B tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus with specialization in Data Science and Big Data include:

  • Mathematics for Data Science (Linear Algebra, Probability, Statistics)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Database Management Systems
  • Big Data Analytics
  • Data Mining and Warehousing
  • Machine Learning
  • Deep Learning
  • Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Spark)
  • Python and R Programming
  • Cloud Computing for Big Data
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Data Visualization
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Ethics in Data Science


The B tech computer science syllabus in cybersecurity encompasses protection of system, networks and data from the potential cyber threats. It includes the topics like encryption, hacking, breaching and network security protocols and cyber law with the end aim of preparing people to protect the infrastructure on the internet.

  • Mathematics for Computing (Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Statistics)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Computer Networks
  • Operating Systems
  • Cryptography and Network Security
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Securing Web Applications
  • Penetration Testing and Network Security
  • Software Development for Security
  • Cyber law and Ethics
  • Cloud Security
  • Security of Blockchain Technology
  • Forensic Computation

Internet of Things (IoT) Security

The B Tech Computer Science in Internet of Things targets placing IoT in computer science, which targets embedding of objects into the web for storage of data and further sharing of information. The focus areas include, internet enabled devices, sensor networks, designs of IoT systems and the communication methods within them.

Other core subjects to take alongside the B tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus with the specialty of Internet of Things will include but not limited to:

Mathematics for IoT which Includes Linear Algebra and Chances and Statistics.

  • Data Structures and Algorithms will also be put cross cutting
  • Computer Networks
  • Embedded devices
  • IoT Architecture and Design
  • Microcontrollers and sensors
  • WSN Wireless Sensor Networks
  • Cloud for IoT
  • IoT App building
  • Data engineering for IoT
  • Edge computing and Fog computing
  • Pentesting for IoT
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in IoT
  • IoT System Design and Integration

Blockchain Technology 

The B. Tech syllabus in Computer Science with specialization in Blockchain covers fundamental aspects such as protocol systems, decentralised digital protocols as well as an introduction to cryptocurrency alongside its implications within the australian economy.

The core subjects for B Tech Computer Science Syllabus with specialization in Blockchain Technology include:

  • Mathematics for Blockchain encompasses discrete mathematics, linear algebra as well as probability
  • The accompanying course also entails data structures and algorithms
  • An introductory course on databases management systems is also included
  • A course on Computer Networks will also be covered
  • The accompanying course entails Cryptography and Network Security
  • Blockchain Fundamentals
  • Know more on developing Smart Contracts
  • Another course on Developing Distributed Systems
  • Building Blockchain Platforms and Applications (Ethereum, Hyperledger)
  • Building systems using Consensus Mechanisms
  • Requires building Decentralized Applications (DApp’s)
  • Understanding tokenomics and what cryptocurrency entails
  • Working on cyber security with the application of Blockchain
  • Building a Blockchain that is scalable and can perform multiple functions

Software Engineering

B tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus in Software Engineering Is the process of creating computer software that also involves creating software systems. It deals with software design, development processes such as Agile or Scrum, software testing, project management and requirements analysis.

They are also required to cover some of the core subjects of B Tech Computer Science Syllabus with such concentration which are:

  • Mathematics for Computing: Discrete Mathematics, Linear Algebra, Probability
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Database Management Systems
  • Principles of Software Engineering
  • Software User Requirements and Software Specifications
  • Software Architecture and Design
  • Operating Systems
  • Quality Control and Software Testing
  • Agile Development Methodologies
  • Web And Mobile Applications Development
  • Continuous Integration And DevOps
  • Software Engineering in Cloud Computing
  • Software Economics And Project Management

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Cloud Technologies course encompasses the cloud services delivery model which consists of storage, processing and networking services. such as cloud architecture, virtualization, distributed computing and cloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS). Syllabus for b tech computer science engineering.

The core subjects for B Tech Computer Science Syllabus with specialization in Cloud Computing include:

  • Computation Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Linear Algebra)
  • Design and analysis of algorithms and data structures
  • Systems software design, management and implementation
  • Networking for business enterprises
  • Database system principles (DBMS)
  • Introduction to Cloud Computing
  • Technologies of Virtualization
  • Architectures and infrastructure domains for cloud computing
  • Service models in cloud computing, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
  • New technological trends with big data in cloud computing
  • The topic of data communication via cloud family for devices security and compliance
  • Cloud devops
  • Edge and fog computing
  • Artificial intelligence AI and ML in cloud computing

Computer Networks

Computer Networks is comprehensibly covered in the B Tech computer science syllabus under Computer Networks which entails the structure, control and enhancement of the network’s architecture. Examples of concepts include : network protocols, communication systems, network security, wireless networks and network design.

Computer Networks management and optimization is one of the three core subjects of B.Tech in CSE and it includes the syllabus below

  • Mathematics for Computing (Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Linear Algebra)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Basics of Computer Networks
  • Protocols and Architecture of Networks (TCP/IP, OSI)
  • Mobile and Wireless Networks
  • Network Security and Cryptography
  • Routing and Switching Techniques
  • Design and Management of Networks
  • Cloud and Distributed Networked Devices
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Networks
  • Software Defined Networking
  • Performance of Networks
  • Cyber Security of Networks

Mobile Application Development

B tech Computer Science Applications seeking to be distributed on mobile devices such as Android and IOS, can be developed by students who have completed Mobile Application Development courses. Java, Kotlin and Swift are some programming languages taught alongside UI and UX design practices.

The core subjects forB tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus with specialization in Mobile Application Development include:

  • Basic Computing Mathematics (Discrete Mathematics, Probability, Linear Algebra)
  • Algorithms and Data Organization
  • OOPs and Language level design
  • Database Technologies Basics
  • Operating Environments
  • Fundamentals of Mobile Application Software Development
  • Development for Android OS
  • Development for IOS OS
  • Development Multi-Platform Mobile Applications (React Native & Flutter )
  • Designing of UI/UX Relevant for Mobile Devices
  • Integrating Applications with Web-Based Servers
  • Methods of Testing and Debugging Mobile Applications
  • Methods of Ensuring Security and Confidentiality of Information on Mobile Devices
  • Deployment and Management of Mobile Applications

Mobile Robotics

B tech Computer Science Syllabus in Mobile Robotics. Focuses on engineering and robotics design that makes the robots automated. Subjects of the curriculum encompass automation, programming, RL and kinematics in robotics.

The following courses outline the pivotal subjects associated with the core areas Analysis and Design of Computer Systems.

  • Robotics Mathematics: Linear Algebra, Calculus, Probability
  • Algorithms and Data Structuring
  • Foundations of Robotics Technology
  • Image and Computer Vision Technology
  • AI Technologies
  • Machine Learning Technologies
  • Advanced Robotics Learning
  • Automation and Control Technologies
  • Embedded Systems
  • Actuators and Sensors
  • Dynamic Models of Robots
  • Interaction between Humans and Robots
  • Robotic Systems for Autonomous Navigation

Robotic Systems: Ethics and Safety Protocols

Game Development B tech Computer Science Syllabus in Game Development focuses upon video games which are interactive. Topics covered include game development models, game design, game programming languages including Unity, Unreal engine, game physics, game graphics rendering and VR/AR.

For the B tech Computer Science Engineering program, the following subjects have been outlined under the game development specialization:

  • Mathematics for Game Development
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Computer Graphics and Visualization
  • Game Design
  • Game Engines Modeling
  • 2D and 3D Game Modeling
  • Animation and Rigging
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Game Development Physics
  • AR and VR
  • Multiplayer Gaming
  • Audio and Sound Design
  • Testing and Optimization of the Game

Embedded Systems 

B tech computer science syllabus includes such topics as the theory of the design and implementation of software and hardware performed for a particular purpose. Students study microcontrollers, sensors, actuators, embedded software and programming and real-time OS.

The common subjects for B tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus with specialization in Embedded Systems include:

  • Mathematics for Embedded Systems (Linear Algebra, Probability and Calculus)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Digital Logic and Circuit Design
  • Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
  • Embedded System Design
  • Programming for Embedded Systems (C, C++, Python)
  • Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS)
  • Computer Architecture
  • Sensors and Actuators
  • Embedded Communication Protocols (SPI, I2C, UART)
  • System on Chip (SoC) Design
  • Power Management in Embedded Systems
  • IoT and Embedded Systems
  • Embedded System Testing and Debugging

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science HCI modules concentrate on building user-oriented systems as well as improving the interaction between bunches and computers. User experience (UX) design, usability testing, user interface design and principles of interaction design are among the topics covered.

The HCI based subjects for Btech CSE Syllabus include:

  • Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction
  • Mathematics for HCI – Statistics, Probability and Linear Algebra
  • Cognitive Psychology for HCI
  • User Centred Design Fundamentals
  • Interaction Design and Prototyping
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics
  • Visual Design and Aesthetics
  • Usability Testing and Evaluation
  • Speech and Gesture Interface
  • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Interfaces
  • Artificial Intelligence for Human-Computer Interaction
  • Mobile device and Wearable Interfaces design
  • Development of Accessible and Inclusive Design
  • Human-Computer Interaction research methods and Ethics

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

B.Tech in CSE specializing in VR and AR focuses primarily on designing and constructing effective immersive digital spaces along with optimizing the use of virtual elements in the real world. The major VR/AR and applications of VR/AR topics are VR/AR tools, simulations, 3D modelling and hardware.

B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering with specialization in Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) has the following core subjects:

  • Mathematics for VR and AR (Linear Algebra, Calculus, 3D Geometry)
  • Analysis of Algorithm, Data Structures
  • Computer Graphics and their Applications
  • Concepts of 3D Modeling & Animation
  • Virtual Reality: An Overview
  • Basics of Augmented Reality
  • VR / AR Devices (Headgear, Sensors, Trackers)
  • VR/AR Render Engine creation
  • HCI in the VR and AR environment
  • AR Game Engines (Unity, Unreal Engine)
  • Development of Apps in VR & AR
  • Using computer vision in augmented reality
  • Spatial Computing and Mapping
  • Audio and Video for VR/AR Applications

B Tech CSE Curriculum (Computer Science Engineering)

B Tech Computer Science Engineering Syllabus (CSE) curriculum is carefully designed to provide students with a strong foundation in both theoretical concepts and practical applications in the ever-evolving field of computer science. The program is structured to ensure a balanced approach to foundational knowledge, advanced learning and industry-oriented skills, preparing students for a wide range of career opportunities in the tech sector.

Foundational Courses

B Tech CSE Curriculum begins with foundational courses that establish the groundwork for advanced technical learning. These courses include:

  • Mathematics: Topics such as Calculus, Linear Algebra and Probability are essential for understanding complex algorithms and data analysis.
  • Physics: Concepts like computational physics and digital logic design build a foundation for hardware-related studies.
  • Basic Programming: Introduction to programming languages like C, C++, or Python enables students to develop problem-solving skills early in their academic journey.

These subjects serve as the building blocks for more advanced topics in the program.

Core Subjects

Btech CSE Syllabus core subjects focus on essential technical skills that every computer science professional must master. These include:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms: Critical for developing efficient software solutions and optimizing performance.
  • Operating Systems: Provides insights into the functioning and management of system resources.
  • Computer Networks: Covers the principles of networking, internet protocols and communication systems.
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS): Teaches the design, implementation and maintenance of robust databases.
  • Software Engineering: Focuses on methodologies for developing, testing and maintaining high-quality software.

These core subjects form the backbone of the CSE curriculum, providing students with comprehensive knowledge and technical expertise.

Advanced Topics

As students progress, they are introduced to advanced and cutting-edge topics in Btech CSE Syllabus that align with the latest industry trends, including:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): Explore algorithms and systems that simulate human intelligence and learn from data.
  • Cloud Computing: Teaches scalable computing solutions and services, a critical area in modern IT infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity: Focuses on protecting systems, networks and data from cyber threats and breaches.
  • Data Science: Covers statistical analysis, predictive modeling and visualization techniques for extracting insights from data.

These courses prepare students for specialized roles in emerging tech industries.


To cater to individual interests and career goals, B Tech CSE Curriculum offers elective courses, allowing students to specialize in areas such as:

  • Blockchain Technology: Learn about decentralized systems and their applications in finance, supply chains and beyond.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Study the integration of devices and systems for smart and interconnected applications.
  • Robotics: Combines hardware and software knowledge for developing intelligent robots.
  • Web Development: Covers front-end and back-end technologies for creating dynamic websites and applications.
  • Big Data Analytics: Focuses on handling and analyzing large volumes of data for strategic decision-making.

These electives enable students to tailor their education to specific industry needs.

Practical Learning

Practical exposure is a cornerstone of the B Tech CSE curriculum. Students engage in:

  • Hands-on Lab Sessions: Applied learning in programming, networking and database systems.
  • Coding Workshops: Regular workshops improve coding efficiency and problem-solving abilities.
  • Technical Projects: Students undertake real-world projects, often collaborating in teams, to design innovative solutions.

This emphasis on practical learning bridges the gap between theory and application.

Industry Exposure

To prepare students for real-world challenges, the program includes:

  • Internships: Work experiences at top tech companies provide insights into professional environments.
  • Capstone Projects: Multi-disciplinary projects that allow students to apply their cumulative knowledge to solve complex problems.
  • Case Studies: Analysis of real-world scenarios fosters a deeper understanding of industry practices.

These experiences ensure students are well-versed in contemporary industry demands.

Skill Development

In addition to technical expertise, the curriculum focuses on developing soft skills and professional attributes, such as:

  • Coding Proficiency: Encouraging students to master multiple programming languages.
  • Analytical Thinking: Cultivating logical reasoning and problem-solving abilities.
  • Communication Skills: Ensuring clarity in written and verbal communication, vital for collaborative work.
  • Ethical Decision-Making: Imparting knowledge of ethical issues in technology and encouraging responsible practices.

These skills prepare students to thrive in diverse professional environments.

Career Readiness

The Btech CSE Syllabus is designed to ensure students are industry-ready upon graduation. By equipping them with versatile technical and interpersonal skills, the program opens doors to careers in areas such as:

  • Software Development: Designing and implementing software solutions.
  • Data Analysis: Extracting actionable insights from large datasets.
  • Emerging Technologies: Exploring innovative fields like AI, blockchain and IoT.

The programs comprehensive structure provides a robust foundation for both immediate employment and advanced studies.


What subjects are covered in the syllabus?

Core subjects include programming, data structures, algorithms, databases, artificial intelligence, machine learning, cybersecurity, and cloud computing.

How many semesters are there?

There are 8 semesters in the B.Tech in Computer Science Engineering program.

Is there practical training?

Yes, there are multiple laboratory-based practical sessions in each semester.

Do students study programming languages?

Yes, languages like C, C++, Java, and Python are taught.

Does the syllabus include artificial intelligence?

Yes, artificial intelligence and machine learning are key topics in later semesters.

Are projects part of the curriculum?

Yes, projects like app development, web technologies, and cybersecurity are an important component.

Do students learn about cybersecurity?

Yes, cybersecurity is included in the syllabus with hands-on labs.

Are there internships in this course?

Internships are encouraged as part of practical training.

Is mathematics part of the syllabus?

Yes, mathematics is studied in the initial semesters.

What is taught in cloud computing?

Students learn cloud infrastructure, services, and security.

Is there a focus on team-based learning?

Yes, group projects and labs emphasize teamwork.

Are emerging technologies covered?

Yes, topics like blockchain, quantum computing, and IoT are included.

Do students learn data science?

Yes, data mining, data analytics, and machine learning are covered.

What does the B.Tech in CSE syllabus cover?

It covers programming, data structures, algorithms, databases, AI, machine learning, IoT, cybersecurity, and more.

What are the main programming languages taught?

Languages like Python, Java, C++, and SQL are commonly included.

Is Artificial Intelligence part of the syllabus?

Yes, AI and machine learning are key topics in most CSE programs.

Are there any practical projects in this course?

Yes, students work on real-world projects, including software development and data analysis.  

Does the syllabus include projects?

Yes, students work on individual and group projects in the final year to apply their knowledge.

Are data structures and algorithms taught?

Yes, they are key components of the curriculum, introduced in the second year.

Is there a focus on cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is covered in depth during the later stages of the course.

Are there elective subjects?

Yes, students can choose electives based on their interests, such as AR/VR, robotics, or quantum computing.

What subjects are covered in the first year?

The first year focuses on programming basics, mathematics, physics, and digital logic.

Does the course include cloud computing?

Yes, cloud computing and its applications are taught as part of the advanced curriculum.

Are emerging technologies like blockchain included?

Yes, blockchain technology and its applications are part of elective courses.

Does the course include theory or practical learning?

Both. The course balances theoretical understanding with hands-on practical experience.

Is mobile app development taught?

Yes, mobile app development is included, emphasizing frameworks and UI/UX design.

Does the syllabus prepare students for industry jobs?

Absolutely. The syllabus aligns with industry needs, focusing on in-demand skills and tools.

What role do mathematics and physics play?

Mathematics is crucial for algorithm design, and physics is foundational for understanding computer architecture.

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