The average starting salary for M.Tech in Computer Science Engineering graduates varies based on factors such as location, industry, and the specific skills of the individual. Here’s a general breakdown:
1. In India:
- Entry-Level Salary: The average starting salary for M.Tech graduates in Computer Science ranges from ₹6–12 lakhs per annum (approximately ₹50,000–₹1 lakh per month).
- Top Companies: Graduates joining multinational companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, or Infosys may start at higher salaries, typically around ₹12–20 lakhs per annum.
- Industry Impact: Sectors like fintech, AI, data science, and cloud computing tend to offer higher starting salaries compared to traditional IT services roles.
2. International Market:
- In countries like the U.S., starting salaries for M.Tech in Computer Science graduates can range from $70,000 to $100,000 per year, which translates to approximately ₹55–80 lakhs per annum.
- Salaries in European countries and Singapore also tend to be competitive, though slightly lower than those in the U.S.
3. Factors Influencing Salary:
- Skills in high-demand areas like machine learning, AI, cloud computing, and data science can increase earning potential.
- Location (e.g., tech hubs like Bangalore or Silicon Valley) and company type (startups vs. established firms) also affect salary ranges.